Thursday, May 5, 2011

2010 OSHA Top 10 List of Citations

       OSHA provided a list of the 10 most frequently cited standards for the fiscal year 2010 (Oct 1 2009 to Sept 30 2010 (Source: OSHA publishes this list to make employers aware of the areas that cause the most citations and to remind employers on what the standard procedures are to ensure a safe working environment. 
                   1.     1926.51-Scaffolding
                   2.     1926.501-Fall Protection
                   3.     1910.1200-Hazard Communication
                   4.     1910.134-Respiratory Protection
                   5.     1926.1053-Ladders
                   6.     1910.147-Lockout/Tagout
                   7.     1910.305-Electrical,Wiring Methods
                   8.     1910.178-Powered Industrial Trucks
                   9.     1910.303-Electrical,General Requirements
                  10.   1910.212-Machine Guarding

       Many workers unnecessarily get hurt or injured on the job because of the lack of attention to safety details. SafetySkills™ addresses these common citations and more in our e-learning course library. We are OSHA certified and continuously update our titles with new animations, imagery and interactions to keep the training fresh and engaging. Please take a look at our course library for more information on these courses on more

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