Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Fowl" Play Prevents Slips, Trips and Falls

Researchers studied helmeted guinea fowl 
       Researchers from Clemson University and the College of Charleston have discovered that walking forward quickly with a firm footed stance prevents slips or falls better than shuffling or moving slowly.  According to EHS Today, the researchers studied helmeted guinea fowl because they react to slips and falls much like humans do.  The guinea fowl leg joints and human knees and ankles function in similar ways making them excellent test subjects.
       “The key to avoiding slips seems to be speed and keeping the body mass forward, slightly head of ankles after the foot contacts the ground,” states Biomechanics researcher Timothy Higham. This study can prove to be very helpful in preventing slips, trips and falls which are a major cause of injuries and even death. According to a Bureau for Labor Statics in 2006, slips accounted for about 234,000 nonfatal work related falls and 789 fatalities.  Factors such as flooring, environment, obstacles, contamination and inadequate footwear all contribute to slips, trips and falls.  To address this topic, SafetySkills™ is featuring the Slips, Trips, and Falls course available at SafetySkills™ realizes that this is a major source of injury in the workplace and has created the course to teach learners how to minimize or eliminate safety hazards.

       SafetySkills™ specializes in providing interactive and comprehensive online training that helps you protect everyone in your organization. Slips, Trips and Falls is just one of the many topics that is featured as part of the innovative e-learning solutions.  For more topics, please visit us at

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